Dutchman Integrates a 4.5GHz Water-Cooled Rig Into His Desk
Peter from the Netherlands has managed to fit a pretty bombastic set of components -- 4.5GHz Core i7-980X, two ASUS GeForce GTX 580 graphics cards in SLI, over 12TB of storage with an SSD boot disk, and two PSUs providing 1,500W of power in total -- together with a water-cooling setup and the inevitable glowing lights inside one enclosure, which just so happens to also serve as his desk. The three-piece monitor setup is also a custom arrangement, with a 27-inch U2711 IPS panel being flanked by two 17-inchers.
That is a beautiful, beautiful setup. I'm planning on building my own desk in the near future -- not with a glass top, but designed to hold a tower with good airflow and all in the base.
wow this is so beautiful it makes me want to creame my pants
Fairy Land by William Shakespeare
That is a beautiful, beautiful setup. I'm planning on building my own desk in the near future -- not with a glass top, but designed to hold a tower with good airflow and all in the base.
That does look pretty awesome! :)
well i dont know what the f is going on but its crazy shi man crazy
That's pretty beautiful actually.
Wow, amazing setup ;)
Now thats really fantastic.
he'll be potting world domination on that beast
I'm so retarded for case mods. I've seen PCs built into desks before but this one's pretty damn sexy.
Ya know and with that finish, I would imagine semen clean up is fairly easy.
WOW that IS sexy!
Now thats a desktop!!
holy crap... thats one sexy rig
This is of my dreams.
That's fully sick. Almost like something out of Iron Man.
That is the coolest thing I have ever seen - and I've met the guy that played Johny Cage.
wow this is so beautiful it makes me want to creame my pants Fairy Land by William Shakespeare
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