Adobe Dominates Kaspersky Lab's top ten PC Vulnerabilites List
Being number one is usually an honor, but not when it comes toKaspersky Lab's top ten PC vulnerabilities list. Unfortunately for the software giant, Adobe took top dishonors for Q1 this year, pulling in five total spots on the list, including the top three. According to the security firm, all of the vulnerabilities appearing on the list allowed cyber-criminals to control computers at the system level.
The number one spot was occupied by a vulnerability in Acrobat Reader that was reportedly detected on 40 percent of machines running the application, while Flash Player flaws took second and third. Other dishonorees included the Java Virtual Machine, coming in at fourth and fifth place, Apple QuickTime, Winamp, and Microsoft Office. That ain't bad, considering Microsoft ruled the vulnerabilities roost in 2010.
This makes me laugh, considering I just installed Kaspersky Pure today. Ah Adobe, you spend so much effort to prevent cracks, but can't close your security gaps.
Microsoft tries really hard to be secure, they are just so BIG, adobe on the other hand doesn't even try to prevent anything but you stealing their overpriced software...
Adobe has never cared about protecting your PC. If it breaks you are going to go buy a new one and upgrade their software anyway.
If they cared about your PC they would be an Antivirus company.
Anyway, Everybody knows that adobe sucks. Flash is terribly slow and bugged. You can't develop on it without Adobe's consent and thus it is an annoyance. Luckily HTML5 is going to blow it out of the water. The security leaks will still be their though.
If you don't want people reading your personal information reach around the back of your computer and pull/cut out the CAT cable. That should solve every security problem you will ever have.
This makes me laugh, considering I just installed Kaspersky Pure today. Ah Adobe, you spend so much effort to prevent cracks, but can't close your security gaps.
i knew they sucked nuts
Fairy Land by William Shakespeare
Microsoft tries really hard to be secure, they are just so BIG, adobe on the other hand doesn't even try to prevent anything but you stealing their overpriced software...
Adobe has never cared about protecting your PC. If it breaks you are going to go buy a new one and upgrade their software anyway.
If they cared about your PC they would be an Antivirus company.
Anyway, Everybody knows that adobe sucks. Flash is terribly slow and bugged. You can't develop on it without Adobe's consent and thus it is an annoyance. Luckily HTML5 is going to blow it out of the water. The security leaks will still be their though.
If you don't want people reading your personal information reach around the back of your computer and pull/cut out the CAT cable. That should solve every security problem you will ever have.
Problem. Solved.
Oh Adobe! you so unsecured!
i never liked kasparsky.. i use nod32 but if you know what you are doin you dont need AV at all
I never liked adobe that much :S
Ah great news, i hate adobe - lets get em at every hole :D
Yeah that makes sense I have not had very good luck with all adobe products.
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