I love pork. I like pigs. They're cute, and fun to eat, and intelligent among mud-dwelling beasts. But what I don't like is for my dinner to artificially resemble the killed animal from which it was derived. This is gross.
Or is it amazing? The shrink wrapped pseudo-pig, a pork roast molded into the vague form of its prior self, is certainly a feat of food engineering. I'd expect nothing less from Costco, the Ikea of edibles. But will pork taste more like pork when it's compressed into animal form? Chicken nuggets are absolutely better in dinosaur shape, but there you have a sort of perverse species incongruence. Would the pork roast be delicious and aesthetically acceptable if it were molded into the shape of, say, a cat, whale, or amoeba? Does anyone out there have a hydraulic press and an ample supply of raw meat?
I.... I'm slightly disturbed.
I find it funny how you have transitioned from tech of phones to compressed and formed pork meat. LOL.
At least you don't have to rip out the intestines, stomach and all manner of gross. I'm fine with a bit of cheekyness.
Pretty gross :P
I have to admit that is pretty disgusting. It's crazy they'd actually remould it to resemble a pig. Absolutely wacky in fact.
Ieuw, disgusting... No more pork for me :(
Not disgusting, looks very tasty.
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