
Nov 3, 2011

Cheaper Android Phones Are Crap Compared to iPhone and BlackBerry

Fandroids say that iPhones, Blackberries and Windows Phones are way too expensive. Anyone can buy a cheaper Android! Now a study covering 600,000 support calls has found that these cheap Androids are exactly that: Cheap. And cheap phones break.

According to this study by wireless service company WDS, hardware failures are more common in Android handsets than in the more expensive competition. Makes sense: The culprit is not Android itself, but Google's OS licensing. Since it's so easy to license Google's OS, inexpensive phones are common. And inexpensive phones do not put as much of an emphasis on construction as expensive ones.

But the thing is, these are not cheapo phones from the developing world. The study's 600,000 support calls come from Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia—primo mobile markets.

It makes sense: while top of the line, more expensive Android phones from Samsung or HTC are solid, the inexpensive phones that are helping Google take so much market share are also its Achilles Heel. According to WDS' Tim Deluca-Smith: "At the moment, Android is a bit of the Wild West." Giddyup.


Lizard said...

i want an android.

1904 Blogger said...

its true you get what you pay for

Anonymous said...

Wow that sucks. There really should be standards set by Google to be honest. Fine the OS is just software, but if Android keep breaking because of hardware failure, it will make Android look bad.

Phil Hong said...

eh... I know of one cheap android phone that is produced by the company called hwawei.

I think its chinese.

jpb_28 said...

I'm happy with my iphone.

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Unknown said...

I own a cheap Android and I am really happy with it. OC upto 1.5GHz, 512MB ram, Android GB :)

Outcast said...

Ugh, I agree that you get exactly what you pay for. I'm not fond of the cheapo phones, I'd just rather do without or spend an extra bit on a better phone than get a cheapo phone.

Anonymous said...

You get what you pay for.

R said...

Interesting info