Lo and behold, the company's swatches are currently ready for application on the 4S. Similar to its iPhone 4 treatments, you'll be able to spice up your device -- and its earbuds -- with a mixture of glossy, metallic and soft-touch coatings (excluding mainly the front face, which remains stock black or white). Colorware'll gladly sell you a fresh 16 or 64GB model for a whopping $1,500 or $1,700, respectively, or you can mail yours in to get a Benetton-esque makeover for just $250. More here.
Finally some tech blog, love it :)
P.s. thanks for lovely comment.
Follow you :*
the is a ridiculous amount of money to charge for color on a phone.
Wow. Although colours on the iPhone4S seem awesome there's no way you could justify the expense of these. It's an absolutely crazy amount of money to expect anybody to pay!
Thank you very much for your comment! This innovative and bright! Brava!
look awsome!
thank you for your comment :)
These are actually really cool!!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
ehh..I'm not exactly fan of Apple
Thanks for the visit and comment you left.
I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now (36 pages back on your follow wedgit)and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
wow they do look cute but that it soooooo expensive!
thanks for the comment too by the way!
thx so much <3
Useful info.
cant believe how expensive it is
hi dear!love it!
thanks for your comment!i hope that you return on my blog!
kisses and have a nice day=)
it looks pretty cool
Wow that's expensive. Still though, it looks better than the standard colours; more personal.
Skeng Training
Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! Really love yours!
I like that yellow tone. looks good.
It looks awesome, but there is no fucking way i pay that much for it.
sorry but $250 to apply about $30 worth of paint at most is a huge rip off, save yourself the big bux and just get a case if you are so shallow your iphone cant look like everyone elses. I mean good lord $250 is like the whole cost of most full function video game systems or a decent non apple phone
Man, stylin up your phone shouldn't cost that much - that's ridiculous!!!
PS - thanks for sharing :)
Dirty Pink Cardigan
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