Virtu-limb works with either the i-LIMB Ultra—the update to the really awesome i-LIMB—or with some custom software that renders the hand's actions in real time. It works by gathering the same myoelectric signals that the bionic limb would normally gather from a patient, but routing it through a computer instead of a surgically attached limb.
The test drive feature has a few uses beyond just being a cool toy for nerdboys playing Terminator. It's good for helping determine which muscles are best suited to sending the prostheses myoelectric signals and helping to train patients to control muscle signals. And it can also be used by prospective patients before having the limb added. It's absolutely a really great technology, but I'm just wondering how long until some intrepid nerd tries it out and decides to replace a fully functional hand. More here.
i'm glad the technology is out there at least
I could go for a hand replacement... never have to work out again, just have robot vice grip for the rest of forever. Next stop is downloading my consciousness into a HDD.
That is amazing... Reminded me of Crysis a bit :D
Cool. I really want to go try this thing out now, looks awesome.
that's pretty sweet. Robotics and prosthetics a match made in the future!
I have some ideas for this. >:3
Sadly, growing up with Star Wars meant I was surprised we *didn't* already have this when I grew up! It's cool to see it's catching up! Really liked the camera from your last post as well!
sounds futuristic!
what if i want to lose an arm.... and me half robot...
That is soooo awesome!
Interesting. Thanks for the news!
wow its amazing what they can do now1!
Crazy how reaility is slowly but surly catching up to science fiction. Terminator is not far off. haha. But I'm glad that those soldiers coming back might actually have a chance at getting new limbs.
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