
Aug 9, 2011

The Microsoft Touch Mouse

Taking center stage this year is Microsoft's Touch Mouse -- a multitouch gesture-based peripheral. Microsoft has finally made official its answer to Apple’s multitouch Magic Mouse: the Microsoft Touch Mouse for Windows 7.

The ergonomics are quite solid too—unlike the Magic Mouse, which is passable, but not great. As you can guess, the hatches dotted all over the mouse mark the touch area.


Al Penwasser said...

It appears to be a powerful tool....but can it cut a tomato?
Seriously, it looks pretty cool.

Shaw said...

Seems kinda pointless.

marrujoa said...

Not sure if I would actually go for it. I'll probably wait a few years for it be perfected.

Legitcheater said...

Apple did it. It's pointless

Unknown said...

That's an ugly mouse, but I'm assuming they'd pretty it up before a major production.

Arrpii said...

WHY, why do all pc stuff have to have those dotted things?
My gf have a macbook and I a msi laptop. the macbook's touchpad is one of the best I've ever used. And mine got those dotted things which just end up making your fingers sore -.-

SoreLosersGaming said...

Meh, not interested. I like my normal mouse/keyboard interface just the way it is.