
Jul 20, 2011

Bill Gates Wants to Build a Better Toilet

Bill Gates, nowadays basking in the accolades his philanthropy provides, noticed that toilets kind of suck in the developing world. Wanting to help stop the spread of communicable diseases, he's ready to put down $41.5 million for potty advancements.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is prepared to give that huge sum of money to universities that push poor nations' toilets into the modern era. They don't have to have ambient lights or mini-tablets. Rather, they should reinvent the concept by being sustainable, not relying on a sewer connection or electricity. Proposals have drawn up toilets powered by heat, microwaves, or solar panels, all to help prevent bacterial and parasitic infections.

I can't imagine what a microwave powered toilet would even look like, but any idea that shields you from diarrhea is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Well at least he is doing something useful with all that extra money...

Zombie said...

hey man, i dont see why not... lol.

GMSoccerPicks said...

I love this guy, the beauty of being a billionaire, you can spend 40MM researching top notch toilettes

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he thinking about the little people now. I wonder how a toilet inspired by a man who works with computers will look like. Great post.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

See but toilets in the developing world are squat-based. This leads to a more natural release of the bowels. Sitting toilets in the first world are being blamed for all sorts of prostate problems due to the unnatural position of the user.

LoneIslander said...

Well I guess he has to spend his money on something.

Dylanthulhu said...

I want to see a microwave-powered toilet. I really do.

Anonymous said...

Finally something the Gates Foundation supports that I can get behind.

Unknown said...

Lmao. Funny stuff

Electric Addict said...

i guess i'm pretty lucky to have a nice toilet :x

dwizzt said...

toilets with voice commands? touch screen interfaces? why not?! :D
go go go bill!

Viperman24 said...

Im all for it as well, might as well make it a good experience when you gotta go to the toilet.

Mark said...

At first I thought he needed a toilet for all the money he shits out. It'd be a waste to flush it. I think this is a good idea though, wish him luck.

PabloO said...

I guess it makes sense, a better place to start thinking in new shitty products.