Vodafone lets Londoners Pay For Taxis via Text Message
Mobile payment systems may be gaining only gradual steam in the US, but over on the other side of the pond, Vodafone UK has launched a broad new campaign to integrate smartphone technology where Londoners may need it most -- in the back of taxis. As of today, many cab passengers will be able to charge their smartphones in transit, thanks to a wide range of chargers that the mobile carrier has installed in more than 500 of London's iconic black vehicles. Vodafone is also rolling out a new payment scheme today, whereby cash-strapped travelers can text their cab's license number to a specific code, allowing any owed fares to be charged directly to their phone bills. The system certainly doesn't sound as elegant as some of the NFC-based operations we've heard about, but it still beats having to navigate your cab driver to the nearest ATM, with the meter tick-tocking away.
interesting, it's amazing how much smartphones play a role in the world in today's times, but I think this is a great idea for some people who don't have cash and need a quick ride.
Within a few years, smartphones are going to become a major payment tool alongside credit cards. Just swipe your phone over a sensor at any store, and boom, you've paid.
In Belfast you can pay for parking using SMS as well. haven't tried it myself but thought it was a good idea if you're all out of coins
That's pretty cool. Does it let Londoners pay for dentists, also? JK JK!
Awesome idea!
That's pretty neat, it's always a pain in the ass to forget the money, and than you realize you are in a cab.
That is so interesting, thanks for sharing.
Nice post, great idea btw. Following !
Thats actually not a bad idea!
i had not heard about this. thanks for the info!
thats pretty cool
Pretty interesting stuff, man.
interesting, it's amazing how much smartphones play a role in the world in today's times, but I think this is a great idea for some people who don't have cash and need a quick ride.
Man, I wouldnt want this!
I'd probably be mroe reckless with taxis then...lol.
+1 great article tho! Follow me at www.awesomeexposed.blogspot.com
thats a good idea
Great idea, but hope the technology gets VERY WELL tested before mass use in the U.S.
That is insanely awesome.
This is excellent I've not heard of anything like this before.
This is absolutely awesome. I wish they'd do this around here... the cabbies always give me a hard time about paying with credit.
I guess that's pretty convenient.
I just tried it yesterday, was interesting until i get a text from the cabby at 2:30 in the morning wanting to hang out....
oh, shoot, thats cool.
Within a few years, smartphones are going to become a major payment tool alongside credit cards. Just swipe your phone over a sensor at any store, and boom, you've paid.
I've been in a taxi cab once, but imagine this must be awesome news for people who use them more frequently.
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