
Apr 7, 2011

Would You Let Someone Advertise on Your House if They Paid Your Mortgage?

Like the 2011 version of selling your forehead to an online casino company wielding a painful tattoo needle, Adzookie's offering to pay your mortgage for as long as you can put up with advertising their eyesore-inducing logo.

Although the US mobile advertiser hasn't started painting anyone's houses just yet, according to Adzookie's CEO they've been inundated with requests—over 1,000 of them so far. Applicants must "like" Adzookie on Facebook first (which might suggest this is all one big publicity stunt—never!), and they do have several other caveats:

"You must own your home. It cannot be rented or leased. We'll paint the entire outside of the house, minus the roof, the windows and any awnings. Painting will take approximately 3 - 5 days. Your house must remain painted for at least three months and may be extended up to a year. If, for any reason, you decide to cancel after three months or if we cancel the agreement with you, we'll repaint your house back to the original colors."

I'm glad they're offering to repaint the house afterwards—given how much a job like that can cost, it'd almost be enough to make the homeowner beg on the doorsteps of Adzookie again.


Zombie said...

I dont see why not!

Brandon Sample said...

thats actually a good idea, if they were willing to pay my student loans I'd do it.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that's an absolutely nuts ad deal. It would kind of be interesting to have all those bright colors on your house for a while though...

Guy Movie Blogger said...

I drive by so many crappy looking houses every day that I think this would be an improvement actually.

Jay said...

oh yeah, i would!

Grafted said...

I absolutely would.

pezasied said...

Without a doubt I would, good deal

Slamcakes said...

Hey, if it helps pay the bills

Nope said...

Yes I'd do it! Except for the fact that it only goes for a year, sounds like a great deal.

Seems though that only people with cheaper houses would be willing to do this, so they might not have to pay much in terms of mortgage.

der said...

If your house needs to be painted anyway, why not?

bill said...

yeah i would defintly do do it

ExoticBlogger said...

possibly if i need the money

Inhia said...

Only if it was a company I loved... Like Bacardi =D

OatmealStout said...

Saw this on the news the other day. Seems kind of shady and too good to be true, but I'd like to see this happening.

Jackie said...

hell yes. Its a roof over my head.