In light of recent cellular privacy revelations, your most paranoid neurons might be firing hard. You can put a tinfoil hat on your head, but what about your gadgets? These Faraday Bags put your device in a radio-proof vault.
The cases, like a standard (room-sized) Faraday cage, block out electrical charges and electromagnetic radiation—so zero signal bars for you, sir. The bags come in a variety of sizes, priced from $80 to $275
Thats some james bond crap right there!
Have you ever been in a real Faraday Cage? They are kinda cool, and I didn't even know it until I was in there. They use them at radio astronomy sites to prevent electronics from messing with the radio signals. Anyways, having one of these could be useful for your phone, it may also prevent it from getting fried by an electrical surge.
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that would give me more peace of mind
I actually wondered a while back why this weren´t more famouse, looking at the price I kind of understand now...
HAHA let me just get my tinfoil hat.
Useful if you don't want to be tracked I suppose but I'm not too bothered about that
lolwatt what's that bag for, again?
and the benefit is!! ...nothing?
That's a friggen classy looking tin foil cap! Haha, I would totally get one of those, just because I'm a paranoid loser.
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