Official LEGO Minifigs Get the USB Legs They’ve Always Dreamed Of
USB sticks and LEGO minifigs have finally tied the knot, never to be separated again, til death do them part. They run a reasonable $25 for 2GB capacity, and you'll never have one of these two things without wanting both of them in one adorable keychain item ever again.
ouch, $25 for 2 gigs is kinda like $@%@RJ#@NDSJS.. feelsbadman. maybe if the things were 10$ i might be down, but even then so, still a bit excessive for flash memory.
how cool is that!
Ha ha ha that's great.
$25 for a 2gig? That's not reasonable, not these days. you're paying about $15 for the cute factor.
lego ftw!
I'd buy them.
Haha those are plain awesome! I swear!
ouch, $25 for 2 gigs is kinda like $@%@RJ#@NDSJS.. feelsbadman. maybe if the things were 10$ i might be down, but even then so, still a bit excessive for flash memory.
yeah thats a scam
that is awesome
Only 2gb is not worth my time, Lego-man. I'd rather make my own. lol
what's this lego guy doing in my usb slot?
lol nice sticks!:D
intrested in poker?
awesome pantas
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