
Dec 16, 2010

Watch With Real Dinosaur Bone Fragments

Some watch manufacturers think adding a sapphire crystal face, compass or having a diving depth of 1,000m is enough. Me? I won't consider strapping something to my wrist unless prehistoric animals have been set in the dial.

Louis Moinet's Jurassic Tourbillon watch has fragments of fossilized dino bones set in the dial, and is encased in 18K white gold with 56 diamonds equating to 3.46 carats. A watch sparkling with diamonds—however ugly it may be—would attract a pretty penny alone, but the addition of dinosaur bones? Well, the one thing I'm certain of is that you won't be able to barter a cave drawing for one of them.


Suciô Sanchez said...

That's nothing - I'm typing this on a computer powered by fossil trees.

whatshouldibuytoday said...

Dinosaur bones... are you serious? hahaha wow.

Guy Movie Blogger said...

You can buy it and still not be as cool as Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park.

Pawawanpi said...

I wonder what kind of dinosaur though... If it was from a T Rex that would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather a compass

April said...

Oh I want it! I don't think I could ever afford it though haha.

poorfags said...

Sexy watch.

Sam said...

Why would you want to wear real dinosaur bones on your wrist? Is it more manly ?:P

000 said...

Classy watch!

Anonymous said...

looks really expensive

stm said...

i don't even buy jewelry anymore unless it has some dinosaur in it.

Cobz said...

Not sure about the watch but wouldnt mind some boxers made from pterodactyl wings! breezy

Markus said...

haha thats awesome xD

mrecan said...

that's a bit too much i guess

MRanthrope said...

something from the Jurassic Park gift shop