
Dec 19, 2010

Space Invader Soap Has Me Pew-Pewing In the Shower

Pom... Peem... Pom... Peem... Pom... Peem. Blawp. Blawp. Pom. Peem. Pom. Peem. Blawp. Blawp. Pom. Peem. Peeeweweweweweweweweweweweweweweww. Blawpblawpblawp. CGGHHHKKHKHKKH. Pompeem. Pompeem. Pompeem. Pompeem. Blawp. Blawp. Pompeempompeempompeempompeem. Blawp. Blawp. CGGHHHKKHKHKKH. Shower over.


Anonymous said...

Aaahahhhaa.... Brilliant

Willow said...

Those are so awesome.....ahhh the less then 8bit goodness.

World of Zero said...

I simply must have it!

mrecan said...

hohahah these are crazy

Pandamandan said...

Maybe,just maybe these would be worth getting :P.

Zombie said...

once again... WANT!

Alex said...

would make every fried of mine crazy jelly

DrQmn1 said...

they'll double the fun you have while showering

P said...

You'll actually smell like win.

Yeneeko said...

o_o Dude, where can I score me some of these?!

Teutorix said...

Damn! I want some of those :)

Major Mack said...


Suciô Sanchez said...

Those cracks would trap tufties.

Al Frances said...

haha who comes up with this stuff? Great find.

Diego said...

Amazing, i want one!

Jimmy Fungus said...

ahhh, they look like candy..someone might eat them!

Pawawanpi said...

Killing space invaders in the shower. >:3 They die by water.
No seriously, those are awesome.

Frank said...

LOL, please enlighten us because the post didn't make everything clear to me...