
Dec 23, 2010

Don't Try and Eat These Earbuds Made From Cornstarch

Exercise in minimalistic unbranded beauty, or eco-friendly gadgetry using new creation techniques? Both. Direct from Hong Kong, designer Michael Young uses cornstarch for hisEOps Noisezero i+ Eco 'buds. Sounds corny.


Bargain Hunter said...

That slit doesn't look very comfortable...

Billy said...

I don't think the slit goes in your ear. That seems to be the back of the ear bud.

Anonymous said...

"sounds corny" lol. And those look... interesting? I dunno.

stm said...

how many calories?

DrQmn1 said...

not a brilliant idea, but at least it's eco-friend.

G345t said...

He who would pun would pinch a purse

Vapor said...

I wonder how the sound quality is.

Max said...

at only $80 a pair!

HereForTheMusic said...

I lol'd. The earbuds look pretty cool, though.

ValveWorld said...

Those look painful to be honest!

Suciô Sanchez said...

I find buds very uncomfortable. Prefer the Sony things that hook over my ears.

dmayne said...

gosh those look really cool thanks for the post

erics said...

great looking earphones, however i do prefer cans over these.

noog said...

my ears don't deserve those... they've been sucking lately

Anonymous said...

i much prefer open headphones over these purely for hygiene reasons