
Dec 21, 2010

Boxed Water

Boxed milk and juices are a supermarket staple, but one company is now selling boxed water.

Boxed Water Is Better sells water in cartons, ditching the plastic bottles while reducing the overall carbon footprint of packing and distribution by 80%.


World of Zero said...

Cool. I might actually buy one of those.

erics said...

that'd be great to see that becoming a standard way of packaging water.

Dennis said...

looks like a good idea

Anonymous said...

So smart :)

Suciô Sanchez said...

Not sure about that.

Zombie said...

actually pretty cool. You could trick everyone else into thinking that you are drinking milk or something.

dmayne said...

thats actually a really good idea im suprised no one has thought of this before

Mister Sharaf said...

f*** water i need more beer

Alex said...

been availlable for awhile around here! been afraid to try and get the cardboard taste

Diego said...

Great idea

Pawawanpi said...

I actually have boxed water and boxed milk. Makes things way easier. Doesn't taste different or anything. It's still just as tasty.

A Beer for the Shower said...

If it's half as good as boxed wine, sign me up.

Vapor said...

A solution to all my water bottles rolling around!

Bargain Hunter said...

Agreed! Great concept.

Saito Ama said...

But if water bottles are eventually phased out, what will I use to smack girls on the ass with?

Drackar said...

This strikes me as a very bad idea...

The Angry Vegetarian said...

definitely better than the plastic bottles

noog said...

nothing boxed is ever better... look at the scion

cooperlife said...

now we just need compressed air in a box.

000 said...

i really dont think it's better for the earth, i mean, all that cardboard.

Banana said...

or you could just drink tapwater lol

MRanthrope said...

thats such a simple yet awesome idea.

Joel C Anatoli said...

Lol.. its about time.. next thing there will be water inside metalic cans

Nokel said...

In canada, milk comes in bags
which country would boxed milk be in because i'm pretty sure i've never seen it in australia?

Avellobjrn said...

definitely better than the plastic bottles