
Nov 16, 2010

Vertical Bed Includes Sunglasses To Complete The Pretense That You're Awake

It vaguely reminds me of someone painting eyeballs onto their eyelids to feign wakefulness, but I kinda almost want a Vertical Bed. It's intended to help you catch a few extra zzZZZ's on your daily commute while looking dorky.

Basically the bed fully supports all of your body weight by attaching to subway ventilation grating. And to prove that it works, some poor guy got assigned to the task of taking 40 minute naps in the middle of New York. Since he didn't get mugged or fall over, this could be considered a successful trial.

The Vertical bed comes complete with noise-cancelling headphones, opaque sunglasses, a free standing umbrella, and fits into a suitcase. No idea when we'll be able to buy one, but I'll be wishing I already had it while waiting in line.


Bradp13 said...

HAHA That is hilarious. People would get robbed for sure!

Lepoidim said...

wow this looks really cool, can't see the need tho xD!

Anonymous said...

lol zombies will be among us

iMonei said...

oh wow thats too much lol

123 said...

man, if i see someone napping on one of these things, they're getting their shit stolen

Suciô Sanchez said...

Does it vibrate?

HondaX said...

hehe very nice

zon said...

if only i had a job that involved standing up

Light Weight Baby! said...

wow, that's funny!

Ronoh said...

...the things people come up with...

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!

JRam said...

Oh god I loled. I wouldn't want to walk with that thing though, it makes the person look handicapped.

Jimmy Volmer said...

nice, looking forward to the next post

Monster Madness said...

That's .. special xD

Million Dollar Dream said...

great, I can't wait for more

Anonymous said...

great post mate

Irwin R Sheister said...

that's what I'm talking about

Discerning Gentleman said...

this is a good follow up to your last post

Dbankai said...

haha this looks weird

Bubbles said...

haha in future everyone will go to work asleep and the sunglasses will fall away

great post, keep up the good work

David Davidson said...


Gurney said...

lol would creep me out if i saw that

Deron said...

Looks really cool! Wish I'd had one every morning for those 20 minutes of boring commuting :)

Virus said...

I've yet to see anyone walking around like that lol

Cowbellrocker said...

That's so awesome, I want one so bad!

Milhouse said...

This is a pretty nice post. Keep it up!

That Stoner Kid said...

Sounds cool except for the sleeping in public part

Diego said...

You can have the best rest of your life, the thing is it will be the last one, specially when you woke up naked :D

Willow said...

Well I guess it's a good idea, for those in accidents too. Those who have difficulty lying down.

You Piss Me Off said...

hahaha, so damn awesome.

killerkun said...

Wow! I soooooooo want this :D