
Nov 26, 2010

Playboy's Hard Drive Has 250GB

Got National Geographic's external hard drive on your Christmas wish list? You may want to replace it with Playboy's $300 250GB drive which contains every single issue of Playboy, from vintage 1953 gals to current-day plastic zombies.


Sugar said...

i like it

Brut said...

definitely pretty funny

Suciô Sanchez said...

That's a lot of interesting articles.

Applelove said...

okay now that's a little creepy

Christian said...

I tad bit desperate said...

this looks like a pretty big fucking ripoff; chances ar you can find the pictures somewhere online for free, and there are even 2TB external hard drives that are selling for 90 dollars each

Evan said...

You'd have to be a pretty serious collector to buy this.
fap fap fap

Copyboy said...

I'm thinking my um friend would love that for the holidays. Yeah my friend.

Gurney said...

oh wow i want!

Victor M. said...

Well man that joke about having a lot of porn suddenly doesn't seem so funny anymore....

Anonymous said...

this place has Free shipping for the Playboy hard drive

SoreLosersGaming said...

How would you explain owning it to a girlfriend, though? :P

ThatGuy said...

Playboy HARD drive.

Anonymous said...

nice !

cooperlife said...

Playboy should know that porn enthusiasts will laugh at just 250gb of space.

Big John said...

plastic zombies lol i love it.

Shimizu said...

my drive is hard
anyway it looks really expansive... with that plus some bucks i buy another 5870 and become graphics titan D;

Monster Madness said...

Yeah, it seems pretty nice :)

Ratch said...

wow :O i'm having this :D

Unknown said...

Nice gift idea.

MikeyB said...

hahaha thats sick

killerkun said...

At first I was like: Mhhhh only 250GB... that's not enough, but then I saw that it has all of playboy's, I think it's ok :D

Willow said...

Prefer all the hardcover issues in hand! lol

000 said...

250 GB of porn!

Omi said...

I approve of this. :3

Omi said...

I approve of this. :3

MRanthrope said...

damn thats crazy. All those 70's issues where the chicks had bush vs the modern airbrushed cartoons.