
Nov 23, 2010

Kitchen Concept Uses Pedal-Power to Grind Beans, Blend Soups and Save the Planet

This foot-powered food processor has numerous things going for it. As you will have noticed, it's incredibly stylish—and small. It's also eco-friendly, thigh-friendly and perfect for small kitchens. It's just a shame it's a concept.

Designed by German Christoph Thetard, it has various attachments that can be powered by pushing the pedal with a foot—including a coffee grinder and blender. Just pushing the pedal at 400rpm is enough to generate 350 watts a minute, which is enough for simple food preparation. But can it prepare a Thanksgiving feast?


Copyboy said...

Actually if you get some running rats you could turn it into an automatic.

Simon said...

Ha, this is the perfect way to make your kid power your cooking

cooperlife said...



Anonymous said...

for some reason this reminds me of the Amish lol

Suciô Sanchez said...

I want one! Best tech gadget you've posted in ages.

killerkun said...

Yay looks awesome... ecofriendly and everything, the only thing that made me smile was the guy's name Christoph Thetard haha

Big Poppa said...

i like it, but its awfully large, i guess its only for largish kitchens

Ishu said...

Brilliant!!!! hope that people buys them!

shahidj said...

omg i want one!

Monster Madness said...

That's pretty handy! haha

Elise said...

I want one of these.

kushman said...

Challenge accepted. I will make my entire thanksgiving dinner with one of these.

Anonymous said...

the future of the kitchen. love it.

Abul said...

but people are lazy so it wont work.

123 said...

No more fat old ladies :D

Diego said...

It looks like a good alternative, despite the fact that it´s pretty limited, l

ike it says at the end of the post, i don´t think it could make a thanksgiving feast =P

Anonymous said...

that is pretty ingenious for sure!

AG said...

looks good i need one1

kkazzamm said...

Awesome idea. Would prefer something a little smaller for hand operation though :>

Classically Trained Nub said...

I love how older technology is making a come back because it is "green"

000 said...

amazing machine there, gal

Mayhem said...

Get a hamster and you'll got it a bit easier!

Omi said...

Hamster power FTW.

SoreLosersGaming said...

That's definitely a good idea from an eco standpoint... and some people could definitely use the extra thigh exercise!

Cowbellrocker said...

I'd much rather stick to my electric one and pollute the envornment and kill polar bears.

Dr. Steve said...

This is a very economical choice. Generally anything you can do yourself, you can save money.