
Nov 28, 2010

Facebook Like and Dislike Button Rubber Stamps Now Available

The Facebook Like rubber stamp was so popular, that its creators are now selling them. Not only that, but they've created what everyone wants for the real Facebook: A dislike button stamp. Come on, Zuckerberg, you know you want it.

Like them? Then hit that like button in Facebook and go buy one. They are only $15 plus shipping each.Shop


Someone said...

the facebook like button was revolutionary.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Sounds useful!
What I really need is a dislike emoticon for emails.
Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

I think teachers should get this for school lol

Evan said...

pretty cool, not sure if I'd have any use for them though

John said...

I have one of these!

killerkun said...

Everyone wants the dislike button :D

Copyboy said...

I wonder if there are twins also suing this creator for the profits of the rubber stamp.

AKIBA-POP! said...

Kinda cool. would use. <:

Snickelsox said...

Shouldn't they come in pairs?

Shimizu said...

i'd tatoo that button on my forehead... just for the lulz

Major Mack said...

Never been on facebook I don't even think its worth it to buy a stamp especially at that price. Facebook sucks!

SpringyB said...

I'd buy one just to stamp on people IRL.

Anonymous said...

What a dumb stamp.

Gurney said...

o nice

Jeff said...

The interwebs is the underworld, and Facebook is the devil. Forget about the chans,pron,etc., FB has torn up more relationships and enabled more bullying than anything else.

Robobrain said...

We'd stamp everything: food we liked, sexy guys/girls... Until someone stopped us.

Joel C Anatoli said...

Lol.. I need to get this and start stamping people I dont like.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna buy a 'Dislike' stamp and use it on everything I see.

Tsipise said...


Gerlof said...

lololol wanna have it!

i_love_weed said...

facebook really need a dislike and a "meh" button

Sam said...

it's a great idea but a bit expensive for a stamp like that

Shugo said...

hahaha sweet!

MRanthrope said...

LIKE the "dislike" but DISLIKE the $15 part.

Willow said...

And bam right on the forehead!

Diego said...

So you can actually dislike something but giving the thumbs up at the same time (putting it backwards)!