
Nov 21, 2010

Duracell myGrid USB Charger Charges Wirelessly and Gives Gear a Boost

Once you juice it up wirelessly atop a myGrid inductive charging slab, Duracell's new $35 myGrid USB charger will power pretty much anything that has USB, including smartphones (~4 hours), MP3 players (~30 hours), and ebook readers (~100 hours).

The Lithium-ion rechargeable battery is tiny for travel-friendliness—it occupies the top left of the myGrid in the photo above—and can be charged via USB if you don't have your myGrid handy. It'll be available before the holiday for $35 to extend all your new gadgets' lives.


Suciô Sanchez said...

Travel-friendly? Till the TSA stick it up your #%*!

Joebloggs said...

I think thats revolutionary tbh

Craig Phillips said...

Not bad, though what would really be good is if the batteries in the original devices lasted longer - specifically smart phones.

NarwhalMinded said...

Not too shabby!

123 said...

Certainly could be useful at some point

Anonfourtwenty said...

Cool concept!

kushman said...

This is a pretty cool gadget. I've been looking for something like this!

Gurney said...

Really nice!

Ratch said...

cool, how efficient is it though?

shahidj said...

omg i want one!

Jimdlloid said...

nice tech

RatsRunThisTown said...

I'd love one of these!

kokojesta said...

thats looks awsome bro!

Das Auto! said...

sounds handy for people who travel

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I want one.

R.Aw.R. said...

Thanks for giving my blog a read, I have to say I'm impressed with your reviews. Keep up the good work.

Omi said...

If only I had the money... ;_;

Nekura said...

I'd be knocking that thing off my desk.

Big John said...

This is gonna be awesome, cant wait for them to start perfecting these things.

Sinisa said...

o yea...nice...

killerkun said...

Looks sexy and useful

i_love_weed said...

bout time someone came out with this :/

Dr. Steve said...

I can see this being cumbersome with college students. I'll give it another ten years development.