
Nov 15, 2010

Dual-Screened Kno Tablet Aimed at Students Will Cost $899

I guess as it's got two 14.1-inch touchscreens Kno feels it can get away with charging $899 for its tablet, but $599 for the 14-inch tablet with just one screen? Why, that's more expensive than the iPad!

Considering it's aimed at college students, that's a huge ask on their bank account. But Kno's CEO is reckoning on students seeing the Kno not just as a tablet (something to browse and watch movies on), but as a textbook replacement.

It runs on a Tegra 2 chip, and has 16GB of storage—with the OS said to be Linux. Students, would you live off baked beans for a year, just to be able to afford a Kno? Anyone?


Suciô Sanchez said...

A bit rich for Suciô.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

Looks awesome, but that's a crap load of money especially if it's aimed towards college kids.

SoreLosersGaming said...

I don't think many students are going to be able to afford that kinda pricetag.

Anonymous said...

well idk i like books better

Joris said...

looks good but i prefer the iPad

HondaX said...

look very nice

Tigress said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is very interesting too, I like keeping up with tech news.

Gurney said...

looks awesome

Archi said...

i don't have the money, and i dunno what to use it for.

Voacaroo said...

I don't have that kind of money.. Wish I did, but I don't..

Virus said...

Cool story bro

Deron said...

A bit too much for a student like me at least :P And your suggestion is moot, I already live on baked beans ;)

Anonymous said...

to much money for this broke college student lol.



Jimmy Volmer said...

I'm still leaning towards the second gen iPad though

Discerning Gentleman said...

nice, can't wait for more

Overstuffed Wallet said...

this is a good follow up to your last one

Light Weight Baby! said...

I never thought about it that way

Anonymous said...

This is expensive as hell! I'm a bum :D they should lower down the price!

Nokel said...

I'd most likely wait until its able to be hacked before buying this... tablets, unless they're pretty much laptops don't really impress me

they're basically bigger palm pilots :/

Matte said...

Too high price for me :s

Bubbles said...

very nice but which student with a laptop will need something like this
keep up the good work

Classically Trained Nub said...

Yeah, good luck with that. Then again, it could be the new iPad.

Jimmy Volmer said...

keep up the good work, and I'll keep coming back :)

Discerning Gentleman said...

nice, can't wait for more

Anonymous said...

well its too expensive anyways

Kichuwa said...

I was almost fine with it until...



Overstuffed Wallet said...

that's what I'm talking about!

Light Weight Baby! said...

I never thought about it that way

Nerd Life said...

cool, thanks for sharing

Life Saver said...

that's a good one

Don't Judge Me said...

this was the most interesting to me

Irwin R Sheister said...

nice I'll check back tomorrow

Gorlotch said...

Looks very very nice, although too pricey for my tastes

TravisTouchdown said...

dude this thing looks awesome! it's like if you made an ipad three times as awesome

Christie Klein said...

I actually kind of like that.

SleepySpaceCadet said...

Yeah, money I don't have. I'll probably stick with this beautiful laptop and horribly shitty flip phone for awhile.

killerkun said...

I would pay that amount of moneys for a car, not a damned tablet