
Nov 30, 2010

Are the Aliens Coming?

NASA and SETI and countless other groups have been searching for evidence of extraterrestrial life for as long as humanity has been looking at the stars. On Thursday, December 2, several NASA astrobiologists will announce results “that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life”.

What does that mean? Judging by the research interests of the scientists involved in the upcoming announcement, this astrobiological discovery will have something to do with water, evolutionary biology, and aquatic bacteria.

The press conference and the discovery will be announced on Thursday after 11AM PST (2PM EST), NASA will also show a video broadcast of the press conference to journalists at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View.

Until then, what do you think this discovery will be? Has extraterrestrial bacterial been discovered preserved in a meteorite? Have we seen evidence of life on a ocean-covered exoplanet?


Copyboy said...

Great! My 40th B-day will be overshadowed by the coming of E.T.

Monster Madness said...

I don't know, but it sounds really interesting! :)

Shimizu said...

sweet, bro
also, go back to the old template, this red-ish is giving me headache

cooperlife said...

maybe they found out that WE are the aliens.

IDDQD said...

Cooperlife; I say that every time I see the neighbors :D

I hope they have something real, not just hopes and dreams, to show. And inhabitable planets too, I want that!

Cpt Pownzor said...

waiting to hear the news for sure

Gurney said...

can't wait to see what it is

Styron said...

They always said i was mad. 2012 IS COMING! THE END IS COMING SOON!

Evan said...

Scary stuff. too deep for me right now

memeaday said...

Seeing is believing, that's all I'm gonna say.

Vapor said...

It's the day before I turn 30, I hope it's ET rather than Predator-- I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to have to fight off aliens.

pancakes911 said...

To many gullable people in this workld.

Skimbosh said...

This really seems like one of those "eternal pushbacks" and we will never see the info.

Classically Trained Nub said...

Aliens. I'm hoping for a predator type species myself. Only then will Earth be cool again.

Anonymous said...

It would be pretty sick if they found some sort of primitive life. I am scared shit of life that could be more advanced

killerkun said...

I can't wait to see what they have discovered! :D

Suciô Sanchez said...

Nerdy speculation on Slashdot is that it's to do with terrestrial Arsenic-based life. Yawn.

Cowbellrocker said...

About damn time. I hope we can finally put the nail in the coffin of Earth being the only life sustaining planet in the universe.

The Game Store Guy said...

Sounds exciting. I'd love to see what they might have to offer. I'll be honest in saying I haven't been keeping track of what's going on in the astronomy (and apparently astro-biology) sectors and would love to see what they found.

Anonfourtwenty said...

This is a very interesting post, like most of yours. I really hope they talk about more then just bacteria, I hope they found some intelligent life!

JRam said...

It certainly seems unlikely that they saw life on another planet due to the current limits of our telescope technology.

Jeff said...

I vote for this

AKIBA-POP! said...

Can I befriend the aliens?

Engelhart said...

Ice somewhere, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

cant wait to see what they have found. cool post.

IQuotes said...

Well a picture = 1000 words!

kokojesta said...

i believe

Das Auto! said...

what, they haven't found aliens yet? goddamnit, back into the freezer for me. i'll check back in another 50 years

Unknown said...

They probably found a fish or a bug. Still'd pretty amazing if they did.

000 said...

personally, i think conspiracies are crap

Guy Movie Blogger said...

We better call up Jeff Goldblum to prepare a computer virus just in case we need to blow up the alien mothership.

Applelove said...

I imagine it will be pretty insignificant news. Maybe microbes in an asteroid or some shat like that

honkhonkpt said...

I, personally, am hoping for news of an imminent alien invasion.

Willow said...

If aliens were coming unless they could travel faster then the speed of light then we wouldn't see them during our lifetime.....

Joel C Anatoli said...


Cant wait to hear what comes from that!!!

anon408 said...

I doubt it will really prove anything. By the way, how did you get that ad inside your blog post?

poorfags said...

D: I hope they are friendly aliens.

Alex said...

been waiting for this im 1 or 2 days...

Mister Sharaf said...

i hope they are coming:)

i think they found something on mars. some new gas needed for life or some microorganizm

Nokel said...

spoiler: it's a dual blackhole

Longkid said...

I love the old template :P im excited!

GemmaAndHannah said...

good! we need cooler pets!

Sinisa said...


Sean Grey Hanson said...

I think we are not alone in the infinity of the universe, maybe as of now we haven't encounter yet the other kind. Maybe they belong trillion light-years away.