
Oct 14, 2010

Skype 5 Integrates Facebook Phonebooks, Makes Group Video Semi-Official

Windows: Skype is out with an official version 5, making the group video chat seen in previous sign-up betas an official option, and linking up with your Facebook account for status updating and quick calls to friends' Skype or landline numbers.

So this release, beyond the usual bug and performance fixes, mainly makes official the group video chat we found a bit wonky in a real-world test—although Skype still labels the group video function as "beta." The Facebook integration, at least from the contacts-with-Skype perspective, is pretty convenient. Now you just have to bug your friends to list their Skype names on Facebook.

New also to this version is an automatic call recovery feature, which you can set to automatically re-dial and reconnect calls whenever they drop out. It won't be a great idea for every situation, but very handy in the right circumstance.

Skype 5 is a free download for Windows users only. Presumably, Skype will push out the group video features to other clients, as it's a Windows-only feature at the moment.


Styron said...

not rlly into skype but might try it ;)

Unknown said...

It seems really cool, Skype upgraded.
Btw, I don't use Skype although I have an account.

Dbankai said...

sweet i may install skype again just to check this out

Luigibomb said...

Skype looks like it is getting better now.

Ratch said...

have skype will try this out for myself

The Blizzard said...

Thanks for the update! I immediately DL'd the update! <3

Slumph said...

never used skype, quite cool though =D

Anonymous said...

looks cool, I don't use facebook for this kind of thing but I'm sure it'll be useful to those that do.

grizz said...

that's a good idea said...

really interesting development

wishbear said...

Its about time Skype made multi video chat. Yay! :)

ElChristo said...

I've never really gotten into skype, but might try it now

hldstdy said...

this is awesome.

Savage Nugget said...

I quite enjoy the update. :D

Ale-X said...

Skype is the future

Boxer Lambs said...

skype is soooo weird!

razortek said...

lol good bro!

Primarch Solyeuse said...

Whoa, the timing of this is impeccable. I installed Skype about three days ago and was disappointed there wasn't group video chat- and then this happens! V. cool.

Lizard said...

i love skype. i used it all the time. going to check this out.

glosey said...

skype life

Anonymous said...


Unlogic said...

woooo ! thing with facebook is just brilliant ! :O

Rezden said...

That's really cool. Don't know if I want to see what my friends are doing while on WoW though. Heard some stories.....

Sk8rjwd said...


Sk8rjwd said...


nick said...

wow great news

Toliver Edge said...

You know, I've still never used Skype. In fact, I don't really know what it is. Guess I'm not too hip to the changing times, ha.

Jimmy Volmer said...

everyone at work uses skype... I'm forced into it, but I like the new features

David Davidson said...

Ok, maybe I have a reason to try and use Skype now.

kokojesta said...

CooooOOool, looking forward to it :)

Secret Guide to Shaving said...

Im a big fan of skype. I use it frequently and am always impressed with people who have hundred dollar phone bills from making calls over seas..

Pope Smurf said...

Is Facebook gonna be in everything?

Pro said...

that's actually kinda cool, I just have to give up my hatred for facebook.

My internet explortion said...

I have always loved skype I like this alot can't wait for it.

The Cockshiner said...

Long distance circle jerk time!

Synthetic Soiree said...

Oh hellz yeah. Group video chat looks sick

Matt said...

Cant wait to get it

fedor519 said...

Alot of my family uses skype. I personally dont but i think i might start checking it (got alot of family overseas).

Anonymous said...

Looks awsesome! Skype is on the come up

Quinn Electronics said...

I need to try this out

IndustrialHaze said...

group video cool

Unknown said...

First I've heard of this, so exciting! Been waiting for this.

Insurance Advice Guy said...

yay skype

icøn¡c said...

Group video chat? I gotta try it.

Willow said...

Bout time a company was able to do it decently.

fat daddy said...

I may have to reinstall to try this.

Nerd Life said...

I'll be installing this :)

BLUERAD said...

This is a big and bold move, but i think its the right one

Commsky said...

It's about time they finally got group chat

joker said...

nice integrations.

3milelimit said...

I'm really looking forward to this, I can get it now on my PC, but my GF uses a mac, so I hope they come out with an update for that soon too.

What are you doing here. said...

Great skype is growing!

Anonymous said...

who are these guys lol

mirk said...

skype really needs to get 64 bit linux support.

Telia Tuli said...

Skype is essential in this day and age of technologies

darkmanx said...

skypes only getting better and better

Anonymous said...

I love skype - and this is awesome!

Naj said...

i never use skype.

Kartoffeln said...

I guess I should try Skype

Archivist said...

skype is failing

Kikino said...

now THAT's what ive been waiting for!