
Sep 3, 2010

R2-D2 Droid 2 Comes With Themed Dock

A collection of new images of the R2-D2 skinned special edition Droid 2 have been unlocked on Verizon's advertorial web site, showing the phone in much more detail—and revealing this rather nice themed dock.

There's a cool etched circuit board effect beneath the space where the Droid 2 sits, plus the back of the dock has the Star Wars logo on it, just in case you don't get the amazingly obvious reference. Isn't it nice to see Android accessories in white for once?


Red Baron said...

I dont see how that has anything to do with r2d2

WakeOfBuzzards said...

I'm so mad. I got a droid two the day it came out, and now this. Uhhggg... RAGE

Viperman said...

Cool, I want a droid 2 but its 600!!! wtf ugh!!!

Spilii said...

Thats crazy dude

Johnn said...

White's the color of the devil! D:<

a said...

That looks pretty neat

John Le Nourey said...

Looks pretty slick

Kyle said...

Looks cool and all, but can it pick up wireless?

Fuck paying a monthly fee for internet

gorillaboogies said...

I want one soooo good

poups said...

it seem to be cool
will try to see in a phone shop asap

come see my new blog about my futur travel in USA

Trashcanman said...

aint nuttin but a g thang

Check it

RobertoTheBlade said...

awesome stuff bro

Slumph said...

looks pretty awesome, if a little gimicky.

Grimsy said...

Will it keep me warm at night and feed me? =3

michael said...

that is awesome, i cant wait to get one

SpydaRaff said...

wish i didnt have tmobile lol

follwoing =]

Jeebus Crust said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

thats so cool!!

Skyshock said...

thats fucking sexy

John Denon said...

Damn, makes my Droid dock look out of date :(