
Sep 24, 2010

If Mozilla Ever Made A Cellphone, This Is How It Might Look

Everyone's busy gossiping about a Facebook phone which may or may not exist right now, but let's pause all that and daydream about an incredibly lovely phone that very certainly won't ever become reality: The Mozilla Seabird.

The Seabird is a design created for the Mozilla Labs' Concept Series by a fellow named Billy May. It's basically a community-driven exploration of how an Open Web phone might look. The design involves an Android-based operating system, "an 8 megapixel camera, dual side pico projectors, wireless charging, and an embedded Bluetooth dongle,"

Mozilla makes it clear that this concept is just something dreamed up by its community and not a planned project, but that doesn't stop me from wishing that this potentially impossible piece of tech would find its way onto shelves instead of the FacePhone.


applecider said...

iGod, Facephone...and now this. Awesome ideas that would be even more awesome if they were real.

Hitman said...

great post! supportin

Jahru said...

Looks really cool.

Michele said...

Cool phone..

jneutron said...

probably lag like hell like my fukn browser. URGHH!

Naj said...

FoxPhone! the concept is super awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm all in for the idea that Mozilla should make a phone. It would be rad

remzi said...


Zykei said...

That's pretty awesome

bezzare said...

hmmm nice find looking forward to more in the future

David said...

Nice !!

razortek said...

cool post bro!
check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
suppin can u rtrn pls?

razortek said...

cool post bro!
check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
suppin can u rtrn pls?

Viperman said...

was expecting something meh,

but that was an awesome concept

Mister Sharaf said...


momo said...

awesome! /grabbyhands

Hotel Alpha said...

OMG that looks like an awesome phone!
Especially like the 3d pan-tool!
Great blog mate!

Galwarrior said...

You never know what the future will bring :D

x said...

if only...haha

Swarmster said...

Great post, keep it up and I'll keep showing love and support =)

Igor said...

I wish... this is just too perfect

Janus Kane said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting! Good to see another tech blog up here... Though mines only kinda tech ;)I'm clicking around ytour blog now, and i think ill put it on follow, it looks good so far.


!Antibiootikum said...

Too much competition on the market right now :P

Dr. Phun said...

Wireless charging? how would that work? :P

darkmanx said...

lol awesome phone

Water Proof Chicken said...

Hmmm may be good to have.

Blenderhead said...

That phone is all sorts of sick. I'd want it! Supportin.

Silly Old Bum said...

the shape is weird.. :S

Archivist said...

man, i want it

chasityxo said...

thats quite interesting!

branco said...

i would definitely by the phone if it ever came out, Mozilla is an awesome company with some great ideas.

peedewba said...

thats pretty cool to know dude thanks alot keep it up bro

miecak said...

Glad google makes cellphones ^^

A Life Well Spent Online said...

I'd buy that in a heart beat, haha!

Of course, I'm a sucker for phones...

Harrysoon said...


Airmac said...

Doesn't look that bad !

Dorsia said...

nice video man

Mr. Derp said...

Looks intriguing.

Anonymous said...

It seems like this would be a much better use of the resources required to make a phone than the stupid facebook phone >_>. Here's to hoping this dream will eventually become reality!

peace, read&love daily


Sadistic said...

I would buy that in a heart beat if it came out.

God is Great said...

Mozilla rocks at everything it does. I would love to have this phone! Too bad I am broke :(

Isaac J Holt said...

If only ....

CawlinForReal said...


I love it hahaha.
This phone looks CRAZY, I wish I had one >_<

Space Humping $19.99 said...

just usea walky-talky.........

brogan bogan said...

wow, this phone looks awesome. I can haz Seabird?

bigLUCC said...


John Valente said...

I want this so bad!

Teakay said...

i knew there was a reason i loved Mozilla

Unknown said...

Pico projectors and a bluetooth dongle ... sounds liek some pr0n I saw earlier...

Oni said...

i need a new cell phone :(

Skyshock said...

amazing, they should make it happen

Drackar said...

I'm really starting to like this dual pico projector Idea I keep seeing, but people really need to move forward in the arena of PUBLIC mobile displays. You know. HUDS.

Splash87 said...

Very cool concept, but the shape seems a bit... off.

Ishu said...

Everyone wants to make one xD Sure looks amazing!

Wafflehaus said...

I'm waiting for the linux phone. Free cells, data, and web available on any phone on the market..

LivingChaos said...

If they made this phone, and it ran like the concept shows. I would buy another smartphone (this one) again. It looks amazing, and I would even consider getting a contract service for it.

LoreBlogger said...

I would def buy that

Structus Postumus said...

Ha! I would buy that.

blue syzygy said...

stupid idea. but hey, people will buy anything, won't they?

MistahDrama said...

who comes up with this stuff? looks pretty cool imo

Travie said...

Alot of these concept videos floating around.

Sourlol said...

jesus H christ that phone is phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I might buy one if it existed

Austin Da Silveira said...

ha I saw this on Gizmodo, man I wouldn't go anywhere near it

Mangusta said...

That thing is tiiiight

KalOo said...

omg the seabird... i would buy it! apple is nothing in compare to that... oh shit i would even play 5k for it

A random 'feller said...

Love the information provided. If I could have a Mozilla phone I would but at the moment I'm just looking into getting an Android.

A random 'feller said...

Check me out

fat daddy said...

I would buy one in a heartbeat

tonyman33 said...

this is gonna knock all the other phones out the water

Jemz said...

I would definitely buy it!!

roxxor said...

OMG just great!
I wish they'll sale it a day! <3

alex.fallout.play3r said...

I saw this movie a couple of days ago...if this phone was ever to be released it would be the most epic phone

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?