
Sep 1, 2010

All the Cool New Stuff From Apple Today

Apple's music event was so full of shiny gadgets and awesome news that your head might still be spinning. In case you struggled to keep up with everything or want a review, here are all the highlights:

Netflix on Apple TV May Finally Make It a Success
Among many other new features, Apple is including Netflix support straight into their new Apple TV. At last, they are getting the message: It's not all about their iTunes store. Good.

The New Apple TV
Apple has revealed its streaming-only new Apple TV, successor to the oft-maligned original. And it's just 1/4 the size of the old one. The new version will pack built-in power supply, HDMI, ethernet, and 802.11n wireless, priced down to $99.

The Complete Guide to the New iPod Touch
The new iPod touch is like an iPhone 4, without the phone part. Even thinner than the original, has a 326ppi Retina display, Apple A4 processor, gyroscope, and a digital camera, both on the back and for FaceTime. Updating live.

Dear iPod Classic, RIP
The new iPod lineup has been announced-fresh and awesome new nanos, touches and shuffles-but nary a word about the iPod classic. Goodbye, old friend. It was your time. Update: It is still for sale, though, $250 for 160GB.
The New Multitouch iPod Nano
The new iPod Nano hardly bigger than an oversized stamp. It does away with the click wheel (and all things video) in favor of a multitouch screen. But how do you use it?

iOS 4.2 Adds AirPlay Wireless Music and Video Streaming fromiTunes (and Comes to iPad!) iPad with iOS 4.2 is almost everything we've wanted in the iPad since getting an iPhone 4, plus something we've wanted from the beginning: streaming music and video from iTunes to iOS devices with AirPlay. It's coming out in November.

What iOS 4.1 Does For You
Apple will release a new version of iOS4, adding a fix for proximity sensor issues, HDR photos, and long-awaited Game Center support. The 4.1 update will be available next week for iPhone and iPod touch (though not all models).


poups said...

Appel rule the informatic world :o :o

Viperman said...

I dont like apple :/ said...

oh apples :/ I came at you bro, followd

adolf said...

Coming at you bro!

Grape said...

Hey there. Not an apple fan, but I find this quite informative. Thanks.

Caprica said...

I'm tired of Ipods, haven't touched mine in years.

Tusseladd på tur said...

Hey there! Just stopped by on my daily rounds to check in, see what's going on and show some support :-) But I don't like apple products, own an iPhone and it sucks :-P

Have a nice day :-)

chasityxo said...

my ipod was broken before i opened it haha now its just sitting in my drawer

CircleFap said...

Loving you back, great post btw!

Light Weight Baby! said...

BOOM Support Everywhere!

checking in to say hai...

g3000 said...

great post!


Anonymous said...


chuckniceman said...

nice blog, im gonna check out your blog everyday!

John Le Nourey said...

Brilliant stuff

nikefootballbh08 said...

very cool

Admin said...

Not an apple fan, but this is very interesting.

The Game said...

Nice information.

Blick said...

Apple's amazing. I'm frantically following up, need that new iPod Touch :P

xsevvax said...

follow me and ill follow you :)

Anti1337 said...

apple is going to rule the world with google

Miller said...

Hmmm kinda want that tv just to show off.

Red Baron said...

99 $ very fesable even if i hate apple

Anonymous said...


Johnn said...

Cool stuff

Pick one

LifeHacker said...

looks pretty insane

AdPlusCommunications said...

You must REALLY be an apple fan, huh?

Showing some support. ;)

Mr. Washingtub said...

Dem apples

Anonymous said...

This is a great post man! checking in on my daily rounds to show some real love for you.

Ponyninja said...

Apple ftl :( Sorry!

KC. said...

The most bizarre blog yet I believe. Thought I would drop in and thank you for stopping by my Rave blog!

Lil Pee said...

Apple comes out with the shiiiit

totallylegitblog said...

I can't afford any of these things, so I don't bother forming an opinion on them.

old said...

I wish that stuff was cheaper...

zzap said...

just called around to say hi. thanks for your comments on my blog. don't forget to keep up with your daily rounds for me! :D

Swarmster said...

Hit me back, new strategy today. I'm actually thinking of buying an apple to run some of my games, what do you think??

Anon said...

I love apples!

vibe said...

follow me and clicky kthxbye

Sparrow said...

I'm actually interested in apple tv